omic analysis

Viewing posts tagged omic analysis

Summer School Registration Closes Soon

Registration for the 3rd Annual North American Mass Spectrometry Summer School will close on March 1.

This means time is running out to sign up for 4 free days of learning, tutorial lectures, and hands-on-workshops– all led by world-leading experts in mass spectrometry.

The goal of this event– which will take place from June 15-18 at the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery– is to provide an engaging and inspiring program to students by combining networking, education and discovery and housing it all under one roof.

Specifically, this program covers the latest in application of mass spectrometry to omic analyses, from both industry and academic lenses. With tutorial lectures covering a variety of topics, from mass analyzers to lipidomics, and hands-on-workshops aimed at both scientific and professional development, this program is not one you would want to miss. Don’t forget to tell your peers about this excellent opportunity!

Registration is available at the following link: