Coon Honored for Discovery in Proteomic Sciences
Joshua Coon, PhD, professor of biomolecular chemistry and chemistry has been awarded a Discovery in Proteomic Sciences Award from the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO).
HUPO is an international organization that represents and promotes proteomics through global cooperation and collaborations by fostering the development of new technologies, techniques and training.The award recognizes Prof. Coon’s outstanding effort and achievement in proteomics, the study of cellular proteins and their functions.
The Coon lab team develops and applies mass spectrometric technology to study human health and develop scientific instruments to measure molecules in living systems. Prof Coon has made significant contributions to proteomics and metabolomics research by developing next-generation instrumentation and methods, proteomics workflows, novel isotopic labeling quantitative approaches and associated software development. Coon’s work has influenced many labs in the United States and abroad, and the tools he has created are in use throughout the world.
Coon is the inaugural holder of the Thomas and Margaret Pyle Chair at UW-Madison and an affiliate of the Morgridge Institute for Research. He presently serves as director of the National Institute of General Medical Science funded National Center for Quantitative Biology of Complex Systems. He joined the UW-Madison faculty in 2005.