
Effects of acetyl-CoA flux on the proteome and acetyl-proteome


Collaborating Investigator/s

Luigi Puglielli (University of Wisconsin-Madison)


The project propelled the use of DiLeu quantitative technology, analyzed acetylated proteins, and measured metabolite flux.

AT-1/SLC33A1 is a key member of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) acetylation machinery, transporting acetyl-CoA from the cytosol into the ER lumen where acetyl-CoA serves as the acetyl-group donor for Nε-lysine acetylation. Dysfunctional ER acetylation has been linked to both developmental and degenerative diseases. Collectively, our results suggest that AT-1 acts as an important metabolic regulator that maintains acetyl-CoA homeostasis by promoting functional crosstalk between different intracellular organelles.