NeuCode Publication Library
Read more about other applications of NeuCode including its use for peptide and protein identification,
top-down quantification, data-independent acquisition, and much more.
full textA Strategy for Discovery and Verification of Candidate Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal Fluid of Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease
full text Acetyl-CoA Flux Regulates the proteome and Acetyl-Proteome to Maintain Intracellular Metabolic Crosstalk
full text Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry with Activated Ion Electron Transfer Dissociation for Large-scale Top-down Proteomics
full text Quantitative Proteomic Analysis of a Genetically Induced Prostate Inflammation Mouse Model via Custom 4-plex DiLeu Isobaric Labeling
full textSingle Shot Electrophoresis-Mass Spectrometry Produces Over 27,000 Peptide and Nearly 4,400 Protein Identifications
full textThe cellular economy of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae zinc proteome
full text The GIS2 Gene Is Repressed by a Zinc-Regulated Bicistronic RNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
full text Ultra-high pressure packing of capillary columns enhances depth of shotgun proteomic
full text Comprehensive single-shot proteomics with faims
full textAn autophagy-independent role for ATG41 in sulfur metabolism during zinc deficiency
full textA molecular portrait of de novo genes in yeasts
full textA split-Abl kinase for direct activation in cells
full textNeuCode proteomics reveals Bap1 regulation of metabolism
full textA Combined Isobaric and Mass Difference Quantification Strategy (mdDiLeu)
full textNeuCode Labeling for Top-Down Protein Quantification
full text Description of new NeuCode Amino Acids
full textIn Vivo Mouse Labeling in Just a Few Weeks Using NeuCode
full textMulti-Plexed, Absolute Protein Quantification Using NeuCode
full textNeuCode Offers a Route for Multi-Plexed Quantification with Data-Independent Acquisition
full textNeuCode Signatures Can be Used to Facilitate Peptide ID & De Noro Sequencing
full textProduct Ion Annotation Using NeuCode
Full textA Simple Approach for NeuCode Chemical Labeling
Full textNeucode Labels for Metabolite Quantification