07 Nov 2017

Summer School Registration

There is no registration fee, however we

07 Nov 2017
Apply Now for a career-changing experience!

There is no registration fee, however we ask that if you register you make a commitment to attend.

As part of the application process, you will need to upload a pdf file with your CV and a Statement of Intent. The statement should be no longer than 3/4 of a page and should explain why you want to attend Summer School, what you hope to learn, and how attending will further your career/education.

If you would like to give a flash talk, please indicate that in the registration form and we will email you in April 2024 for the following information: Abstract Title (Limit 20 words); Introduction (Limit 120 words); Methods (Limit 120 words); Preliminary data (Limit 300 words); Novel aspect (Limit 20 words); Co-author names and affiliations (institute/company)

This event is made possible by generous funding from the National Institutes of Health National Center for Quantitative Biology of Complex Systems (2P41GM108538).


Due to space limitations, all who apply will not be admitted.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.

If you have questions or difficulty in registering, please email Laura.


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