To enable faster and simpler exploration of complex data sets we conceived and developed web-based data tools where researchers can upload project-specific data directly to a browser using generic spreadsheets. Check out our custom software and web-based tools
A simple, code-free, and user-friendly platform for creation of interactive data-hosting websites. Argonaut conducts real-time statistical analysis of measured bio molecules,visualizes data using popular plots, and can be securely shared with and explored by collaborators across the globe.
A web-based tool enabling interactive exploration of published data and a machine learning approach for prediction of COVID-19 severity.
A free data analysis platform for mass spectrometry-based isobaric labeling metabolomics. It allows users to upload and process MS or hyphenated MS data files for isobaric-labeling-based quantitative and qualitative metabolomics analyses, including feature extraction, metabolite quantification, metabolite identification, batch processing of multiple data files, parameter optimization, median normalization, and statistical analysis. Results can be downloaded or visualized online.