data visualization

Viewing posts tagged data visualization

Argonaut enables collaborative data visualization and exploration

Argonaut is an online platform for collaborative exploration of multi-omic data described in this recent publication by Brademan et al.

Through this platform, information is presented using intuitive, interactive visualizations in a code-free environment, empowering both experts and non-experts worldwide to easily interact and share data.

The Argonaut platform aims to overcome the hurdles of working with large datasets and lower the barrier to entry for biological and clinical collaborators.

This and other software tools can be found here.

MS-Helios for Compact Data Visualization of Multi-omic Datasets

MS-Helios is an easy-to-use command line tool which works to solve the challenge of data analysis and visualization in the face of high-resolution mass spectrometery.

Though high-resolution mass spectrometry can identify hundreds of metabolites and thousands of proteins, this can make data analysis and visualization hard to do.

MS-Helios is a solution, allowing for compact data representation and reduced dimensionality. This tool also allows non-experts and experts alike to generate data and configuration files and publish high-quality, circular plots with Circos.

This software is available for download here.
The manuscript for MS-Helios can be viewed here.