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1483-P: Identifying Conditional Dependence of Proteins Regulating Islet Biology with Machine Learning

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High-content phenotypic analysis of a C. elegans recombinant inbred population identifies genetic and molecular regulators of lifespan

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Boosting the Sensitivity of Quantitative Single-Cell Proteomics with Infrared-Tandem Mass Tags

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LipiDex 2 Integrates MSn Tree-Based Fragmentation Methods and Quality Control Modules to Improve Discovery Lipidomics

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Chemical Proteomics Strategies for Analyzing Protein Lipidation Reveal the Bacterial O-Mycoloylome

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Offline Two-dimensional Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry for Deep Annotation of the Fecal Metabolome

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Fast and Deep Phosphoproteome Analysis with the Orbitrap Astral Mass Spectrometer

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Succinate dehydrogenase–complex II regulates skeletal muscle cellular respiration and contractility but not muscle mass in genetically induced pulmonary emphysema