full text Diazobutanone-assisted isobaric labelling of phospholipids and sulfated glycolipids enables multiplexed quantitative lipidomics using tandem mass spectrometry full text High-throughput relative quantification of fatty acids by 12-plex isobaric labeling and microchip capillary electrophoresis – Mass spectrometry full text 11-Plex DiLeu Isobaric Labeling Enables Quantitative Assessment of Brain Region Protein Association Networks Impacted by the Gut Microbiome full text A Tutorial Review of Labeling Methods in Mass Spectrometry-Based Quantitative Proteomics full text 12-Plex Isobaric Multiplex Labeling Reagents for Carbonyl-Containing Compound (SUGAR) Tag-Enabled High-Throughput Quantitative Glycomics full text 6-Plex mdSUGAR Isobaric-Labeling Guide Fingerprint Embedding for Glycomics Analysis full text CHRISTMAS: Chiral Pair Isobaric Labeling Strategy for Multiplexed Absolute Quantitation of Enantiomeric Amino Acids full text Development of novel isobaric tags enables accurate and sensitive multiplexed proteomics using complementary ions full text Recent advances in isobaric labeling and applications in quantitative proteomics full text Novel Isobaric Tagging Reagent Enabled Multiplex Quantitative Glycoproteomics via Electron-Transfer/Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation (EThcD) Mass Spectrometry