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Regulated N-glycosylation controls chaperone function and receptor trafficking

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Recent Advances in Labeling-Based Quantitative Glycomics: From High-Throughput Quantification to Structural Elucidation

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12-Plex Isobaric Multiplex Labeling Reagents for Carbonyl-Containing Compound (SUGAR) Tag-Enabled High-Throughput Quantitative Glycomics

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DiLeu: Enhanced Isobaric N,N-Dimethyl Leucine Tagging Strategy for a Comprehensive Quantitative Glycoproteomic Analysis

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Novel Isobaric Tagging Reagent Enabled Multiplex Quantitative Glycoproteomics via Electron-Transfer/Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation (EThcD) Mass Spectrometry

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Recent Advances in Analytical Approaches for Glycan and Glycopeptide Quantitation