If you are attending the virtual ASMS conference June 1-12, 2020, please join the presentations by NCQBCS faculty and graduate students:
Tuesday Prof. Lingjun Li will chair a session on Glycopeptides and Glycoproteins from 02:30- 04:10 pm (TOG) and graduate student Trenton Peters-Clarke will present “Ribonucleic Acid Sequence Characterization by Activated Ion-Negative Electron Transfer Dissociation (AI-NETD) Mass Spectrometry.” (TOF 02:50pm)
On Thursday, graduate student Gongyu Li will present “Millisecond Chiral Separation by Multidimensional IM-MS Provides Molecular and Structural Basis for Next-generation Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease” (ThOB pm 02:50).
Hope you can join us!