Glycoproteome and Surfaceome Changes in Isogenic Cells
Leung et al (2020) investigated key cell surface regions and their interactions with the extracellular environment in order to understand how to develop possible cancer immunotherapy drugs in a recent issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Specifically, in order to understand how oncogenes remodel isogenic cells, researchers conducted quantitative proteomics on N-linked glycoproteins. Here, researchers observed how a large number of surface proteins were changed in isogenic breast epithelial cell lines to express oncogenes.
In addition to looking at surfaceome data with applied glycoproteoics, researchers also applied activated ion electron transfer dissociation (AI-ETD). Here. researchers found changes to the glycoproteome, as induced by the oncogenes.
Researchers said that these studies could help illustrate how specific oncogenes can remodel both the surfaceome and the glycoproteome in cells. Additionally, this research can help in the production of further cancer antibody drug discovery research.